Future Assets in a Sentence Examples
The Current and Expected Future Assets are divided by the Current and Expected Future Benefit Obligations to arrive at the Projected Benefit Funded Ratio.
The total of the Actuarial Value of Assets (Current Assets), the Present Value of Expected Future Statutory Supplemental Contributions, and the Present Value of Future Normal Costs determines the Current and Expected Future Assets.
These gaps are often the consequence of one spouse foregoing professional advancement and the resulting income possibilities in order to enable the other to do so (see Shahar Lifshitz, On Past Assets and Future Assets and the Philosophy of Marital Property, 34(3) Mishpatim 627 (2005), notably p.
The Present Value of Supplemental Contributions is used in MERF to ensure that Expected Future Assets matches Expected Benefit Obligations.
Special Rules for Plans Where the Normal Cost Rate Exceeds the Statutory Contribution Rate – The Present Value of Future Normal Costs must equal the Statutory Contribution Rate, net of the Expense Rate, multiplied by the Present Value of Compensation.
In some cases, the ROFO/ROFR Deed and the Future Assets Agreement will expire, and will be subject to the conditions of the concession agreement and relevant legislation.
Asset TypeSub-Type 4.3 ASSET CONDITION ASSESSMENT Future Assets Asset TypeSub-Type
Condition evaluations analyze not just the asset’s physical condition, but also its performance.
Plains agrees to reimburse Spinco for any out-of-pocket costs, including any of the foregoing costs (including any applicable taxes, fees, and penalties assessed in connection with any of the foregoing), incurred by Plains in connection with the transfer of Spinco Assets and Spinco Future Assets from Plains to Spinco or the assumption by Spinco of any Spinco Liabilities or Spinco Future Liabilities.
Plains or another member of the Plains Group shall assign and transfer all of Plains’ rights, title, and interest in and to the Spinco Future Assets to Spinco or another member of the Spinco Group as specified by Spinco.